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Chale Island, Kenya

Whilst lockdown in Kenya - between two sites—Nairobi and Chale Island, very distinct natural references of the land and sea informed the work that was created.


I was willfully stuck on Chale Island for about a week - even more isolated as the mobile network was bitty. My work in slo-mo called 'deep time' was made here.  Drawings and ramblings followed. 


Using visual material such as mangroves, the sea—depth and tides, skies in the immediate environment, a new understanding of time began to form. Grayscale drawings and small format works on paper were created to respond to the environment at the time. 



Graphite, ink and permanent marker on paper

"The work created over the these geographies involves both obvious and subtle references to cartography overlaid on land and nature studies - painted, drawn, traced, documented.  Maps offer the illusion of understanding a landscape, and are an underlying element of all my works and studies."  


Himani Gupta



Graphite and ink on paper



Graphite and ink on paper



Graphite and ink on paper


Dreamscapes - I (edition 2)

Watercolour, graphite, copper leaf on paper

Dreamscapes explore the transience of nature, land and created spaces.  The small format works on paper are created using watercolour, graphite, pigments and metallic leaf.  The works are informed by a visual continuum between land, sea and sky. The series explores abandonment of dualism – the belief that we are separate from our surroundings.



Dreamscapes - II (edition 2)

Watercolour, graphite, copper leaf on paper


Dreamscapes - III (edition 2)

Watercolour, graphite, silver leaf on paper


Dreamscapes - IV (edition 2)

Watercolour, graphite, silver leaf, pigment stick on paper

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